Spokane Funeral Plan
Casket | Cremation | Terramation | Green Burial | Funeral Services | Human & Pet Cemetery Placement
Spokane Funeral Plan
Casket | Cremation | Terramation | Green Burial | Funeral Services | Human & Pet Cemetery Placement
Casket | Cremation | Terramation | Green Burial | Funeral Services | Human & Pet Cemetery Placement
Casket | Cremation | Terramation | Green Burial | Funeral Services | Human & Pet Cemetery Placement
Whether it's to lend a helpful and comforting hand at the time of death of a loved one or pet, or planning ahead for your cremation or casket funeral service and cemetery placement, it's my privilege to serve your family at any of our 4 Funeral Homes, and 7 Cemetery Locations in Spokane.
- Ryan S. Bishop
Marcus Tullius Cicero
The death of a loved one, is one of the 5 most stressful life changes you will go through, even when death is expected.
When no Pre-Planning is in place, I often witness heated arguments amongst family members regarding the choices to be made.
Not sharing how you want to be memorialized may leave your family guessing, and feeling guilty they made the wrong decisions.
Many families don't have the extra funds set aside to cover all expenses after a death has occurred, causing them even more grief.
One of the biggest blessings you can leave for your family is having your end of life plans in place and paid for, so they know exactly how you want to be celebrated and memorialized.
As prices continue to go up every year, once you Pre-Plan, your prices are locked in, even if you choose one of our Flexible 0% Interest Financing Options!
Planning ahead will allow your loved ones to mourn your loss amongst family and friends, instead of trying to remember answers to a long list of questions at a funeral home, followed by trying to figure out all the financial decisions that need to be made.
Timber Run Reserve is the first memorial park in the Inland Northwest to provide interment options for family pets.
$0 Funeral Home Expenses where you die & $0 to return you
Oh By The Way...
I'm never too busy for your referrals.
When your friends and family have funeral home or cemetery needs,
please text or call me at 509-868-5800 or email me at rbishop@fairmountmemorial.com.
I would be honored to serve those closest to your heart!
Download Ryan's Brochure (pdf)
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